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Category: Insurance Claims

Understanding pet insurance and animal liability for homeowners

Americans love pets. Two out of every three households in the US own a pet. This equates to over eighty-five million people. Pets offer companionship that is unmatched by any other. The relational bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, reduce stress, and add joy to their owners. In fact, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) notes that owning a pet has many...

The adjuster's guide to personal cyber insurance

As technology has become increasingly integrated into people's lives, the risks that sensitive personal data could be compromised, including Social Security numbers and bank and credit card information, have continued to rise. The theft of personal data can have severe financial consequences, with cybercrimes affecting individuals costing them over $4,000 on average. What is personal cyber insurance? One way to protect yourself financially against the...

Seven steps to perfect property claims

Property adjusters have a tough job. Achieving customer satisfaction while also trying to minimize claim costs is a difficult task. Insurance company managers can help their adjusters by providing a playbook for success. This looks different at various insurers; however, below we offer a few tips that may help in establishing a standard of care for adjusters. This guide should help insurers improve their customer...

Showing sympathy while social distancing

When someone purchases property insurance, he or she makes a bet. Homeowners wager that if a claim occurs, then the insurance company will respond to help the customer make whole on the loss. A large portion of the client’s expectation is financial; however, the insurance adjuster’s attitude towards their customer following a loss has an even greater impact on the customer experience and overall claim...

Tree damage claim complexities

A tornado outbreak on Easter Sunday 2020 left 33 people dead, making it the deadliest in over six years.  Tree damage tends to be one of the leading causes of fatalities in tornados, hurricanes, or severe thunderstorms. Along with the threat to life, falling trees often cause property damage. Whether it is a flying branch that smashes through a window or the upper portion of...